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5 March 2021

From 1st - 5th of March 2021- The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) participated in an Information Management workshop to discuss the implementation of a new Information Management system for the Iraqi Kurdistan Mine Action Agency (IKMAA) in Erbil, Iraq. 

IKMAA is evaluating several alternatives and implementation will be conducted by iMMAP in collaboration with the GICHD and IKMAA. 

The GICHD attended the workshop to present the capabilities of IMSMA-Core and how it could be a valid alternative for IKMAA. 

Special thanks to IKMAA for inviting us to participate in the workshop, iMMAP for hosting the workshop, and Tajikistan Mine Action Center (TNMAC) for presenting virtually their experience of using IMSMA Core. 

The GICHD mission was funded by Auswärtiges Amt - The German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO)