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15 May 2014

The GICHD invites its partners to attend the Maputo +15 series of events, organised by the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit from 19-22 May at the Centre International de Conférences de Genève, Rue de Varembé 7. Entry is free to all.  

Maputo +15 will ask: What was then, what is now and what comes next for the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention? It will do so in general terms, on 19 May, followed the next three days by more specific discussions on cooperation and assistance, universalization and victim assistance. GICHD Honorary President Cornelio Sommaruga will take part in the 19 May expert panel.

More information on AP Mine Ban Convention website 

The GICHD has a long relationship with the Convention. Not long after the Convention entered into force, the GICHD began actively supporting the implementation of the Convention; it provides organisation and venue for the Intersessional Work Programme established in 1999 as well as strategic, operational and information management advice to States Parties. In addition, since 2002, the GICHD has hosted the Convention’s Implementation Support Unit.

Download Maputo +15 poster

Category: International Conventions