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9 June 2017

A new United National Development Programme (UNDP) and GICHD report on mine action and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) explores the catalytic role of mine action in the achievement of various SDGs, such as poverty reduction, food security, education, health and peaceful societies. 

Showcasing country practice and exploring new pathways, the report provides entry points for policymakers, mine action organisations, UN agencies, and donor partners to tighten the coherence of their work, both within the mine action sector and the broader peace and development communities. Through vivid infographics, the report illustrates how mine action activities may contribute to the achievement of 12 SDGs directly and 4 other SDGs indirectly, as well as how mine action can be mainstreamed into national sustainable development efforts, including SDG planning, implementation and reporting.  

“One year and a half have already elapsed since the entry into effect of the 2030 Agenda. It is high time therefore to move from discussions to action and from vision to measurable change. It is to help the mine action sector to do exactly that, that UNDP and the GICHD have undertaken this study” notes Ambassador Stefano Toscano, Director of the GICHD.

This report was launched on 9 June, during a side event of the Intersessional meetings of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.