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1 April 2016

April 4 is the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action. To mark this day, the GICHD has planned a series of events to be held at its home at the Maison de la paix and the Place des Nations, in front of the United Nations.

At the Maison de la paix, GICHD advisors will show and describe different types of mines and munitions and a documentary on the impact of landmines will be screened throughout the day. Meanwhile, at the Place des nations, GICHD advisors will conduct a mock demining operation. A free-running mine detection dog will also show how it facilitates demining operations.

In the leadup to April, the GICHD has also launched a social media campaign, #togetheragainstmines, which asks individuals around the world to lend their support for getting to a mine-free world. The social media feed and a detailed description of the campaign, can be found at

Full programme of events for April 4 in Geneva.