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18 October 2021

Request for Offers | Development of Guide to Ageing of Explosive Ordnance

Click here to access Development of Guide to Ageing of Explosive Ordnance tender

The GIGHD publishes guides for specific mine action thematic areas. At present there is no guide that details how various categories of explosive ordnance age, and how the blast and fragmentation risk such ordnance presents changes over time, or how different environmental factors affect the ageing process. The guide should be able to detail a range of relevant case studies based on previous research. The guide is estimated to be 10000-15000 words in length and is to be written in English but may be translated in other languages at a later date. The consultant must provide, and enable use of, at least 150 copyright images of items/components that illustrate various aspects of ageing.

Deadline for submission: 29 October 2021, 00:00 GVA time

Submit to:  Cc to: n.singh(at)