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28 June 2021

Round table on the “Humanitarian impact of mines and unexploded ordnance at the East of Ukraine”

Last week the GICHD participated in the International Online round table on the “Humanitarian impact of mines and unexploded ordnance at the East of Ukraine” organized by the Embassy of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Of Malta to Ukraine.

The round table brought together representatives of the Ukrainian government, the diplomatic corps in Ukraine and the representatives of national and international organisations to highlight the impact of contamination in Eastern Ukraine.

In his intervention, Ambassador Stefano Toscano, Director of the GICHD spoke of the importance of the joint ongoing work in Ukraine on legislation, standards, land release, quality management and information management, and highlighted the need for a national strategic plan to support national and international clearance efforts in Ukraine.
GICHD remains committed, under Ukraine’s leadership, to work towards a mine free Ukraine and is grateful to our partners and to Switzerland, the German Federal Foreign Office, and the U.S. Department of State for their continued support.