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28 April 2022

Save the date | Launch event

The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)

is pleased to invite you to

“Guide To Systems Engineering For Humanitarian Information Management” launch event webinar

Date: May 17, 2022
Time : 4 - 5 PM CET

The Guide to Systems Engineering for Humanitarian Information Management introduces theoretical and practical methods for systems that support mine action, peace monitoring, disaster risk reduction and other humanitarian initiatives. Co-authored by the GICHD in consultation with iMMAP, Alcis, Esri, and SE-Training, this Guide provides examples of how Systems Engineering has been employed around the world.

Recommended for project managers, information management and technology specialists, the event will touch on topics including:

  • Adopting an interdisciplinary approach to designing a new system;
  • Understanding user requirements fully before attempting the design process;
  • Testing the system to ensure stakeholder satisfaction;
  • Considering the full lifecycle of a system, including operations and decommissioning;
  • Providing full documentation to the system operators.

Please register here

Additional information with access link to the webinar will be sent directly to registered participants.