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25 May 2021

The 24th International Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers (NDM-UN) will take place virtually, from 25 to 27 May 2021- This year, the theme for the meeting is  ‘Perseverance, Partnership, Progress’.

This serves as an opportunity for the mine action community to meet, reconnect, share knowledge and enhance the collective capacity to address the sector’s challenges.

The GICHD will be co-hosting and/or chairing four side events: 

‘Standardizing beneficiary definitions in HMA in practice’, May 25, 2021, at 4.30 PM (CEST)

This side event will discuss why standardizing beneficiary definitions (SBDS) in humanitarian mine action matters and what progress and challenges are encountered in implementing and adopting them. By doing this, we seek additional buy-in from national directors and donors while preparing the ground for the international mine action standard review board to adopt the revised and new beneficiary definitions.

‘State of play: Linking Mine Action and the Sustainable Development Goals’, May 26, 2021, at 3:00 PM (CEST)

This side event will discuss the achievements and the progress made by the sector since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda. The panelists will share national experiences regarding the role of mine action in SDG-policy making processes at the national level, as well as the adoption of the SDGs by the sector across the full cycle of mine action programmes.   

‘Long term impacts of explosive weapons in populated areas – implications for the mine action sector’, May 27, 2021, at 3 PM (CEST)

This side event will explore the challenges that urban contamination resulting from the use of EWIPA poses for mine action operations. It will explore how operators are responding to these challenges through innovation, partnership, and people-centric approaches. It will also highlight findings from 10 years of data collection on EWIPA. All this against the backdrop of ongoing diplomatic negotiations on a political declaration on EWIPA, led by Ireland.

‘Doing it right, doing it better' EORE voices from the field, May 27, 2021, at 3 PM (CEST)

This side event will discuss the experiences and innovations of local NGOs working at the forefront of explosive ordnance risk education (EORE).  Developments from the joint UN initiative from Lebanon on EORE for Refugees from Syria in the context of Return will also be highlighted.  

For more information: Please click here to view the full event agenda and speakers.

Follow our social media channels to stay tuned.