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15 November 2017

On November 14 2017, GICHD Director, Ambassador Stefano Toscano, officially handed over the SOVA information management system to The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine.

SOVA is an information management tool developed by the SMM and the GICHD to enhance the SSM’s capacity to collect and store information on the current conflict, improve data processing on existing risks and contribute to the safety and security of monitors. SOVA will help Ukraine by using its efficient management of data to help survey, mark and eventually clear contaminated areas.

This partnership is important for GICHD because new contamination from landmines and explosive remnants of war have appeared since 2014. The Centre will continue collaborating with and supporting the SMM. The Centre will assist the mission on how to use the different reporting tools efficiently, provide training on the technology and assist on landmine related issues. 



The SOVA project has been supported by the Swiss Government to the SMM and direct funding from the GICHD. Germany has recently signed on to further support further developments of the tool.

Category: Quality Management in Mine Action Programmes