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29 November 2018

"Mine Action can be a peace building measure in Afghanistan", explained Patrick Fruchet, UNMAS Head of Office and Programme Manager in Afghanistan. His contribution was part of the panel discussion during the side event "Negotiating Humanitarian Access for Mine Action in Conflict Situations" during the 17th Meeting of States Parties to the Antipersonnel Mine Ban Treaty this Thursday in Geneva. 

The panel of five gave specific examples for when mine action has helped in peace processes in different country contexts. Stefano Toscano, GICHD Director, set the stage for this discussion by laying out certain challenges, especially when negotiating with non-state actors, while at the same time demonstrating how mine action can act as a confidence-building measure.

The 17th Meeting of States Parties continues in Geneva until Friday, 30 November.


Categories: International Conventions, Peace Mediation