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26 November 2020

The GICHD hosted an online side-event entitled ` Enabling best practice through National Standards` during the Anti-Personal Mine Ban Convention`s Meetings of the State Parties on Friday, 20th November.  

47 participants joined this side event that addressed approaches to improving national standards.  Six panel members provided updates and engaged in discussions on initiatives at national level, from a global perspective, within wider capacity development programmes, and also from the perspective of cross-cutting themes such as environmental performance and innovative technical solutions for compliance.

Standards serve an integral and essential role in encouraging best practice in mine action. The mine action sector has progressively strengthened processes around the development, approval and dissemination of standards, that have in turn improved mine action operations around the world.

This side event was in collaboration with:

  • UNDP
  • Fenix Insight
  • DMAC Afghanistan
  • LMAC Lebanon
  • NPA

For watching the side-event, please click here:

The 18MSP was a formal meeting of the 164 States Parties to the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. The 18MSP was held in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention and pursuant to decisions of the 2019 Fourth Review Conference of the States Parties.

All information and documentation related to the 18MSP APMBC can be found under the following link: