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14 April 2016

On Tuesday 12 April, at the GICHD's home, Maison de la paix, the prize ceremony for the video competition "Batisseurs de paix" was held.

During the winter, students in Geneva, aged 12-15 years old, were invited to create videos on the theme of "What peace means to me." They developed these projects with the supervision of a teacher and the results were judged by seven prominent jury members. On April 12, all participants and their teachers were invited to the Maison de la paix for a prize ceremony and to take part in a discussion on the meaning of peace moderated by war correspondant, Gaetan Vannay. 

This competition was organised in partnership between the GICHD, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces. In attendance at the event were the Directors of the Graduate Institute and the three Centres and Pierre Kolly, Director of Education of the Canton of Geneva.

Full information on the competition and the videos can be seen at