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16 September 2021

The second part of the 2RC will take place on 20-21 September 2021 in a hybrid format at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

The Review Conference will examine, with a view to formally adopt, the Review Document of the Dubrovnik Action Plan, the Lausanne Declaration and the Lausanne Action Plan. It will also be called on to examine art. 4 extension requests presented by Afghanistan, Chile and Mauritania.

The GICHD is proud of its substantive contribution in the run-up to the Conference, including through expert input into the Lausanne Action Plan, that CCM States Parties will be called on to adopt to guide our joint efforts for the next five years.

In addition to the work to take place in the plenary, the GICHD will be involved in the following side events:

For the one staying in Geneva, we invite you to visit the photo exhibition "Lasting Footprints”.

Jointly organized by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the GICHD, the "Lasting Footprints" exhibition shows the  impacts of cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war on people and communities around the world, as well as the efforts of those who dedicate their lives to eliminating the threats posed by explosive ordnance. The exhibition will be at the Place des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, on 20-22 September 2021. For the one following the conference remotely, you are invited to have a look at the digital version of the exhibition:

For more information about the conference side events and registration, please click here:

You can follow the Review Conference via the live webcast on, which will be available in all six official languages of the United Nations.

Follow our social media channels to stay tuned.