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7 April 2021

On 1 April 2021, the National Committee for Demining and Rehabilitation (NCDR) and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) hosted a launch event webinar for ''The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan'' study.

The study ''The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan'' maps the impact of land release, victim assistance, explosive ordnance risk education, gender mainstreaming, as well as partnerships and cooperation on sustainable development. It shows that mine action has clearly contributed to the five dimensions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Jordan: partnership, peace, people, planet, and prosperity.

The webinar agenda:

Opening remarks

  • HRH Prince Mired - Chairman of the NDCR, the President of the Higher Council for the Rights of People with Disabilities, the Special Envoy for Universalization of the APMBC
  • Ambassador Gianfranco Incarnato - Permanent Representative of Italy to the Conference on Disarmament
  • Ms. Asako Okai -  Assistant Secretary - General, Assistant Administrator and Director of Crisis Bureau, UNDP

Presentation of findings

  • Mr. Mohammad Breikat – NCDR Director
  • Ms. Ángela Hoyos Iborra – GICHD Advisor and author of the study

Closing remarks

  • Ambassador Stefano Toscano – GICHD Director

To watch the launch event webinar, click here:

To access the study, click here: