The Middle East and North Africa region is affected by landmines, cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war (ERW) from both current and past conflicts. According to the Landmine Monitor, landmine and ERW pose, to varying degrees, long-term hazards to the lives and livelihoods of people in 18 Arabic-speaking countries or territories.
The GICHD initiated Arab Regional cooperation Programme (ARCP), which is the successor of the Arabic Language Outreach Programme (AOP), for mine action in partnership with the Arab states and regional organisations. Its purpose is to improve knowledge, exchange experiences and promote best mine action practices throughout the Arabic-speaking world. This programme will allow thousands of national mine action programmes to access up-to-date information on mine action in Arabic. Another objective is to reduce the resources spent by individual mine-affected states in the Middle East and North Africa on training, translation and capacity development.

The GICHD has partnered with Lebanon Mine Action Centre (LMAC) in coordinating and managing activities under the umbrella of the ARCP.
Our main activities include but are not limited to the following:
- organisation of mine action training and workshops in Arabic;
- facilitation of regional and international exchanges (experience or staff);
- mobilisation of local and regional Arabic-speaking expertise; and
- translation of major mine action documents and publications into Arabic.
ARCP Publications
دليل التخطيط الاستراتيجي في الأعمال المتعلقة بالألغام | بالعربي | Guide to strategic planning in mine action (Arabic)
تمّ تطوير هذا الدليل بالاعتماد على تحليل لمخرجات دراسة الحالات الوطنية لستة بلدان، حيث قام مركز جنيف الدولي لأنشطة إزالة الألغام للأغراض الانسانية بمراجعة مسودة الدليل الرئيسي ودليل البدء السريع. يستعرض دليل التخطيط الاستراتيجي...

- Available in Arabic

- Available in English
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Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia regional cooperation programme (EECCA RCP)
The purpose is to assist national authorities and their staff members to build capacities in relevant areas by giving access to material, training and advisory services in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) region.
Francophone Regional Cooperation Programme (FRCP)
The purpose is to promote the work of the GICHD within French-speaking countries affected by mines and ERW.