ERA TechnologyERA has provided a range of integrated sensor solutions to clients including: surface penetrating radar systems for the mapping of underground... | Academic and Research |
Government of Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida) | Donors |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. / German Aerospace CenterSMART (Space and airborne Mined Area Reduction Tools) is a project funded by the European Union for humanitarian demining. The main objective is to... | Academic and Research |
Government of France, Ministry of Foreign AffairsFrom an operational viewpoint, the efforts, notably in terms of finance, made by France are significant: total funding of €42.2m (excluding research)... | Donors |
St. Barbara FoundationSaint Barbara's Foundation sees the removal of mines as a purely humanitarian task. Their extensive concept includes not only the removal of land... | Non Governmental Organisations |
Canadian International Development Agency | Donors |
Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)Formerly FOA. FOIs research in undertaken in nine different areas:Defence and security policy Operational analysis, modelling and simulation Weapons... | Academic and Research |
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States. Their mission is to assist the poor and disadvantaged,... | Non Governmental Organisations |
SATIMO | Commercial |
European Commission - Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO)The European Union as a whole is one of the world's main humanitarian aid donors. The Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) is the service of the... | International Organisations |