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Mine Action has been a core aspect of Austcare's work since 1989, with projects in Afghanistan, Angola, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia, Mozambique, and on the Thai-Burma border.

Austcare's Mine Action Programs include:

  • Mine clearance activities and mine risk education aimed at reducing the risk of landmines and ERW in emergencies and immediate post-conflict situations;          
  • Community Development: Once the mines and ERW have been removed from the ground, communities need help to rebuild and assistance about how best they can use the land. Our programs focus on reducing poverty and improving self-reliance by helping establish livelihoods for communities affected by landmines;         
  • Responding to individual and community needs of mine survivors;        
  • Advocating for the elimination of mines and ERW;        
  • Undertaking research to generate results from knowledge and experience gained through our work; and         
  • Campaigning to raise awareness of the key issues. 

Regions of MA operation

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Middle East

Related mine action topics

  • Detection and clearance
  • Risk education
  • Victim assistance
  • International conventions