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Per decision by the Austrian Federal Government an amount of € 1,162,765.35 was made available in 1998 for specific measures aimed at assisting victims of mines and at promoting mine clearance programmes. Prior to this support was given under the Austrian development cooperation programme, CEEC Assistance Programme and other humanitarian relief programmes to measures involving mine clearance, training in mine removal, awarenessraising programmes and the rehabilitation of victims of land mines. The regional focus of the Austrian mine action mission corresponded to the priorities Austria has set itself in the field of development assistance and humanitarian relief. Thus assistance has focused on Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Namibia (2000), Cambodia, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Uganda (since 2001). In order to enable Austria to maintain its pro-active commitment to the international efforts undertaken in fighting the mines scourge, the Federal
Government, in the interest of safeguarding the necessary consistency and foreseeability, set up a special item in the budget and earmarked a total of € 2,180,185.03 for mine action programmes in the year 2000. For 2001 and 2002 this figure amounts to € 1.1 million each year and for 2002 an additional € 1.9 million were pledged for the mine programme in Afghanistan. The Austrian government has actively championed a world-wide ban on antipersonnel
mines and is continuing its efforts aimed at international strengthening of the
Ottawa Convention, as well as supporting specific plans by international organizations and institutions actively working towards obtaining a ban on anti-personnel mines. In implementing the Austrian anti-mines action programme measures in the field of mine clearance, awareness-raising, assistance to victims of mines and reintegration are supported. Austria’s participation in mine action programmes in third countries is based on the existing legal provisions and regulations applicable to certain activities of nongovernmental organisations, and on contributions to programmes and projects of international organisations, such as, for instance, the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme and the Committee of the Red Cross. Moreover, Austria supports projects run by the countries affected in order to enable them to fulfil their obligations under the Ottawa Convention (e.g. the obligation to destroy stock-piled anti-personnel mines). The Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs mandated a study to give an overview and analysis of the existing technical and organisational potential for the implementation of and participation in mine action programmes. The measures supported by Austria under the mine action programme in principle focus on the priority countries of the development cooperation programme and the Stability Pact countries, which are particularly hard hit by the mines scourge. The Austrian projects are implemented in co-ordination and co-operation with other like-minded donors.

Regions of MA operation

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe

Related mine action topics

  • Information management / IMSMA