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For 2008-2013 the major objective of the EU is the continued assistance to third countries to comply with the goals of the 1998 Ottawa Convention (Mine Ban Treaty) to eliminate mines and resolve related economic and social problems caused by these weapons. The EU also remains committed to its zero-victim target by implementing projects addressing immediate threats to mine-affected populations and stimulating the implementation of the Mine Ban Treaty. In November 2009 the Ottawa Convention was reviewed at a summit in Cartagena, Colombia.

The positive impact of the Ottawa Convention has also inspired to draft a Convention on Cluster Munitions, adopted in Dublin on 30 May 2008. Ninety-four states immediately joined the Convention.

The EU is currently supporting actions in all of the most-afflicted countries, including Angola, Bosnia Herzegovina, Cambodia, northern Iraq, Laos. In many of these countries the EU is the major contributor to mine action.

Regions of MA operation

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Middle East

Related mine action topics

  • International conventions
  • Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM)
  • Stockpile destruction
  • Mine action in general
  • Land release
  • Management of mine action programmes
  • Security and development
  • Strategic management
  • Armed violence reduction
  • Development
  • Socio-economic survey
  • Risk education
  • Victim assistance