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The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) is a regional research institute operating across sub-Saharan Africa. As a leading African human security research institution, the Institute is guided by a broad approach to security reflective of the changing nature and origin of threats to human development. This approach is reflected by the term human security – which, transcending a narrow focus on traditional state-centric national security concerns - brings additional areas of focus such as human rights, good governance (political and economic), personal and community security (crime), justice, refugee movements and internal displacement, food security, sustainable livelihoods, etc. If human development is freedom from want (a process widening the range of people’s choices), human security can be understood as the ability to pursue those choices in a safe and equitable environment. Practically this reflects the conviction that African development requires a democratic context and a vibrant civil society.

Related mine action topics

  • Socio-economic survey
  • Armed violence reduction