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Assistance to Mine-Affected Communities project (AMAC) undertakes studies of communities affected by landmines, with the aim of exploring the potential offered by local resources and local competence in humanitarian mine action (HMA). AMAC works in close partnership with HMA practitioners, both in order to learn from their experiences and to engage in a dialogue that can have an immediate impact on their field operations.

The project is based on the conviction that improved assistance to mine-affected communities must start with a deeper understanding of local responses to landmines: it is imperative for the successful design of HMA projects that community capacities are properly understood. Rather than viewing people in such communities as passive victims, AMAC acknowledges their importance as active subjects. The challenge is then to find ways in which social structures and dynamics within which mine action agencies operate can act as resources in the mine action process.

Regions of MA operation

  • Africa
  • Asia

Related mine action topics

  • Armed violence reduction
  • Risk education
  • Socio-economic survey