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Schiebel Mine Detection Products include:
  1. MIMID - Miniature Mine Detector

    The MIMID is based on the well-proven technology of the AN-19/2 Mine Detecting Set (U.S. Army designation AN/PSS-12) used throughout the world for demining operations.
    The MIMID has been the world standard for minimal metal mine detection in both military and humanitarian operations for the past ten years.
  2. AN-19/2 - Mine Detecting Set

    The AN-19/2 (AN/PSS-12) has been developed to meet today´s requirements for mine clearance on the battlefield. It is in service in several countries worldwide, including NATO countries. It is the standard mine detector of the U.S. Army (designated AN/PSS-12) with more than 40.000 units in service. The AN-19/2 Mine Detecting Set is designed to detect very small metallic objects, typically mines with a very small proportion of metal content and can be upgraded. The upgrade allows the user to employ either the AN-19/2 search head or the ATIMID – all terrain search head. This dual search head system enables the user to maintain all the capabilities of the AN-19/2 with the added benefit of “All Terrain” search capability simply by changing the search head. The complete system is stored in the original AN-19/2 carry bag.
  3. VAMIDS - Vehicular Array Mine Detection System

    VAMIDS is designed to detect landmines, including those with minimal metallic content, and UXO from a vehicular platform. Additionally, with the use of special array segments, VAMIDS can detect buried UXO to depths of several meters. Although the system is designed to be used along established routes, it has good cross-country capability which depends on the terrain and the mobility of the platform.
  4. ATMID - All Terrain Mine Detector

    The All Terrain Mine Detector, ATMID fully meets the dynamic challenge encountered by mine clearance professionals on the battlefield and in post-conflict humanitarian de-mining. The ATMID is engineered to detect minimum-metal content mines in all types of soils and terrain conditions, especially effective in areas with severe laterite conditions (a high content of iron or aluminum oxides). The ATMID is also available as an upgrade to the AN 19/2. The upgrade consists of a new search head and a new electronics card which allow the detector to act either as an AN-19/2 or an ATMID depending on which search head is used.
  5. CAMCOPTER® S-100 Unmanned Air System

    The CAMCOPTER® S-100 is a fully autonomous Air System developed for a wide variety of civil and military applications. The system consists of the Aerial Vehicle and the Control Station with associated antennas and support equipment including an optional support vehicle. Schiebel’s CAMCOPTER® S-100 Unmanned Air System (UAS) is a proven capability for military and civilian applications. The Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) UAS needs no prepared area or supporting launch or recovery equipment. It operates in day and night, under adverse weather conditions, with a beyond line-of-sight capability out to 200 km, both on land and at sea. The S-100 navigates via pre-programmed GPS waypoints or is operated with a pilot control unit. Missions are planned and controlled via a simple point-and-click graphical user interface. High definition payload imagery is transmitted to the control station in real time. Using "fly-by-wire" technology controlled by a triple-redundant flight computer, the UAV can complete its mission automatically.

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  • Detection and clearance