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SWEDEC, Swedish EOD and Demining Centre, was established in Eksjö under the 1996 Defence Resolution and is Sweden’s centre of excellence in the field of ordnance disposal and mine clearing. Our personnel include experienced researchers, ordnance engineers, officers and other people with extensive knowledge and experience of demining operations, both military and humanitarian. Our know-how is available to the Swedish Armed Forces and also to organisations active in this area. We work closely with the Swedish Rescue Services, Police and SIDA in Sweden and with international organisations such as the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) and the International Test and Evaluation Program (ITEP). In order to meet its national and international undertakings, SWEDEC operations are mainly focused around training, development and operational support.

Regions of MA operation

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • The Americas

Related mine action topics

  • Detection and clearance
  • Socio-economic survey
  • Armed violence reduction