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To be the keystone of the international humanitarian demining community that is pre-eminent in the world, known for both the high quality of its dogs and the excellence of the services. To support law enforcement agencies in its daily anti terrorism/force protection and security engagement with qualified explosive detection canines and excellent military working dogs worldwide. We support the security and demining community (Governments, NGOs, Armed Forces, Commercial Companies, etc.) by •           providing accurate, highly trained mine and explosive detection dogs; •           selection and education of appropriate, suitable local dog handlers; •           conducting comprehensive activities in the field of those K-9 teams (training, instruction, assistance, examinations and field operations)

•           conducting expansive functions related to IED, bomb detection and demining activities (search operations, quality assurance, analyses, mine surveys, supervision, etc.).

Regions of MA operation

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • The Americas

Related mine action topics

  • Detection and clearance
  • Survey
  • Quality management