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Guide to the Ageing of Explosive Ordnance in the Environment

The GICHD Guide to Ageing of Explosive Ordnance in the Environment seeks to provide a summary of what is known to date on this subject.  Building on research conducted by partners in the sector over recent decades, this guide is...

Guide to the Ageing of Explosive Ordnance in the Environment
  • Available in English

Chapter 5 of the IED Clearance Good Practice Guide, “Basic Chemistry of Explosives and Hazards of Home-Made Explosives and Chemical Precursors"

The GICHD has developed this Chapter with the aim of improving the safety of mine action personnel as a first priority, but also ensuring that mine action programmes are dealing with this particular threat effectively to keep...

Chapter 5 of the IED Clearance Good Practice Guide, “Basic Chemistry of Explosives and Hazards of Home-Made Explosives and Chemical Precursors"
  • Available in English
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Remote Explosive Scent Tracing (REST), Genuine or a paper tiger
  • Available in English
  • Ian McLean, GICHD, Havard Bach, GICHD

Use of Mechanical Equipment in Mine Clearance

ine clearance programmes are based mainly on manual demining, a slow, dangerous and workintensive method. The use of mechanical clearance equipment is increasingly becoming acceptable to the demining community.The main roles for...

Use of Mechanical Equipment in Mine Clearance
  • Available in English
  • Johannes Dirscherl, GICHD

A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Frequency Domain Metal Detectors for Humanitarian Demining

(From the Summary) This thesis details an analysis of metal detectors (low frequency electromagnetic induction devices) with emphasis on Frequency Domain (FD) systems and the operational conditions of interest to humanitarian...

A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Frequency Domain Metal Detectors for Humanitarian Demining
  • Available in English
  • Claudio Bruschini
Summary Report MINEBREAKER 2
  • Available in
  • T. Trar
Summary Report MINEBREAKER
  • Available in
  • T. Trar

What the dog's nose knows

Removing mines is necessarily a hazardous occupation.Unfortunately, mines are secretive by nature and design. A mine that cost US$5 to buy, 10 seconds to arm and 2 minutes to lay, will take a 12-person team a full day to locate...

What the dog's nose knows
  • Available in English
  • Ian McLean (GICHD)

Commercial Systems for the Direct Detection of Explosives (for Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tasks)

There are a number of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) tasks in which it is necessary to discriminate and identify UneXploded Ordnance (UXO) already detected by other means. What we seek is the capacity to characterize in a...

  • Available in
  • Claudio Bruschini (EPFL - LAP & VUB - ETRO)
Summary Report RHINO
  • Available in
  • T. Trar
Summary Report 910 MCV
  • Available in
  • T. Trar
Summary Report MINE GUZZLER
  • Available in
  • T. Trar