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Kosovo Mine Action Strategy 2025-2030

This mine action strategy outlines the strategic orientation of the Kosovo mine action programme from 2025 to 2030, developed by the Kosovo Mine Action Center (KMAC). The strategy draws on international good practice and builds...

Kosovo Mine Action Strategy 2025-2030
  • Available in English

Innovative Finance for Mine Action: Needs and Potential Solutions

The mine action sector faces not only chronic underfunding but also short-lived funding spikes for emerging or new crises, or significant developments in ongoing conflicts. These trends surrounding funding lead to a lack of both...

Innovative Finance for Mine Action: Needs and Potential Solutions
  • Available in English
  • GICHD and Symbio Impact Ltd.
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10 Steps to a National Quality Management System

This GICHD handbook for mine action managers provides an introduction to QM approaches and principles and explains the concrete steps for developing quality management systems for mine action programmes. It aims to give the tools...

10 Steps to a National Quality Management System
  • Available in English

Five Key Examples of the Role of Mine Action in Integrating Victim Assistance into Broader Framework

 This publication aims to explain the particular role that mine action structures can play by providing five key examples of mine action in integrating victim assistance into broader frameworks. It is hoped that by documenting...

Five Key Examples of the Role of Mine Action in Integrating Victim Assistance into Broader Framework
  • Available in English
GMAP Annual Report 2013
  • Available in English

Mine Action and Land Rights in South Sudan | Key findings and recommendations

In March 2013, GICHD and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) undertook a joint mission to South Sudan on land rights and mine action in order to provide mine action organisations with analysis on land related conflict and...

Mine Action and Land Rights in South Sudan | Key findings and recommendations
  • Available in English
  • S. Naidoo, F. Marzatico and L. Monaghan

The New IMSMA and Victim Assistance

A new update to the Information Management System for Mine Action will include a victim assistance module, which will facilitate the monitoring and tracking of the access of victims to their rights and the accountability of the...

The New IMSMA and Victim Assistance
  • Available in English

Miniature Aerial Photography Planes in Mine Action

The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining analyzed the benefits, potential uses and cost efficiency of miniature aerial photography planes for use in mine action.

Miniature Aerial Photography Planes in Mine Action
  • Available in English

Landmines and Livelihoods in Afghanistan: Evaluating the Benefits of Mine Action

Mine action started in Afghanistan and, globally, has grown into a billion-dollar endeavour. On most measures, Afghanistan remains the world’s largest mine action programme, which has performed admirably in terms of delivering...

Landmines and Livelihoods in Afghanistan: Evaluating the Benefits of Mine Action
  • Available in English
  • Ted Paterson, GICHD | Barry Pound | Abdul Qud

Masculinity: The Unseen Barrier in Survivor Assistance

Survivors of landmine and explosive remnants of war (ERW) incidents suffer unique consequences from their injuries as a result of their age and gender. As they often have distinct societal roles, survivor assistance needs for...

Masculinity: The Unseen Barrier in Survivor Assistance
  • Available in English
  • GMAP

Mine Action and Land Issues in Colombia

The purpose of this report is to examine the key links between land issues and mine action in Colombia and to provide practical ‘do no harm’  guidance to mine action organisations to ensure that mine action facilitates the return...

Mine Action and Land Issues in Colombia
  • Available in English
  • S.Naidoo, C.Pardo, C.Theim Jensen