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  • Russel Gasser, Jacqueline Dees, Ferko Ory, Su

Iraq National Mine Action Strategy 2023 - 2028

This National Mine Action Strategy presents the strategic orientation for the Republic of Iraq's mine action programme 2023-2028. It replaces the National Strategic and Executive Plan for Mine Action 2017-2021, builds on...

Iraq National Mine Action Strategy 2023 - 2028
  • Available in Arabic, English
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Краткое руководство | Quick Start Guide to strategic planning (Russian)

В данном кратком руководстве устанавливаются основные принципы стратегического планирования противоминной деятельности, подробно описанные в Руководстве по стратегическому планированию противоминной деятельности. Лицам,...

Краткое руководство | Quick Start Guide to strategic planning (Russian)
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Руководство по стратегическому планированию противоминной деятельности | Guide to strategic planning in mine action (Russian)

Основываясь на основных результатах шести страновых тематических исследований, GICHD подготовил Руководство и Краткое руководство по стратегическому планированию противоминной деятельности.

В Руководстве по стратегическому...

Руководство по стратегическому планированию противоминной деятельности | Guide to strategic planning in mine action (Russian)
  • Available in Russian

Gender & Diversity Annual Report 2017

In 2017, GICHD has affirmed its commitment to fostering gender equality and ensuring that gender and diversity aspects are properly taken into account in mine action. The Centre entered its second year as a member of the...

Gender & Diversity Annual Report 2017
  • Available in English

GICHD Annual Report 2017

In 2017, GICHD staff visited and supported 68 countries to improve mine action globally and locally. Over the 40 training sessions and workshops that were delivered, we had the opportunity to reach out to 850 course participants....

GICHD Annual Report 2017
  • Available in English

Lessons from the Past: The Rapid Clearance of Denmark's Minefields in 1945

The clearance of the vast majority of Denmark’s minefields during 1945 was remarkable. In just under five months, a force ranging between 750 and 2,600 German prisoners of war (POW) under the supervision of 250–350 Danish officers...

Lessons from the Past: The Rapid Clearance of Denmark's Minefields in 1945
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  • Roly Evans

Corporate Partnerships Brochure

Today, the work of the GICHD is made possible by core contributions, project funding and in-kind support from more than 30 governments and organisations. The GICHD develops strategic partnerships with the private sector based on...

Corporate Partnerships Brochure
  • Available in English

Perfomance Report 2016

In 2016, the GICHD worked towards the implementation of its current Strategy (2015-2018) under the three Strategic Objectives and corresponding Strategy Outcomes (SOs). Over the course of 2016, the GICHD supported countries in...

Perfomance Report 2016
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Improving Protection, Reducing Civilian Vulnerabilities

Explosive remnants of war (ERW), mines, small arms and light weapons (SALW) and their ammunition often threaten civilians in conflict and post-conflict contexts. Their simultaneous presence suggests that effective protection for...

Improving Protection, Reducing Civilian Vulnerabilities
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GICHD Brochure | German

A general brochure introducing Who We Are, What We Do and the four divisions that make up the GICHD.

GICHD Brochure | German
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Gender and Diversity Annual Report 2016

In its 2015-2018 Strategy, the GICHD has reaffirmed its commitment to gender & diversity, and 2016 has cer-tainly been a year of accomplishments. In January 2016, the GICHD joined the International Gender Champions Network. In...

Gender and Diversity Annual Report 2016
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