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Kosovo Mine Action Strategy 2025-2030

This mine action strategy outlines the strategic orientation of the Kosovo mine action programme from 2025 to 2030, developed by the Kosovo Mine Action Center (KMAC). The strategy draws on international good practice and builds...

Kosovo Mine Action Strategy 2025-2030
  • Available in English

Innovative Finance for Mine Action: Needs and Potential Solutions

The mine action sector faces not only chronic underfunding but also short-lived funding spikes for emerging or new crises, or significant developments in ongoing conflicts. These trends surrounding funding lead to a lack of both...

Innovative Finance for Mine Action: Needs and Potential Solutions
  • Available in English
  • GICHD and Symbio Impact Ltd.
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Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | June 2009

The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining has been busy over the last several months. The GICHD recently organized an African Francophone Conference on demining in Benin and provided technical input for the recent...

  • Available in English
  • Ian Mansfield, GICHD

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | Summer 2009

The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining has been busy over the last several months. The GICHD recently organized an African Francophone Conference on demining in Benin and provided technical input for the recent...

  • Available in English
  • Ian Mansfield, GICHD
  • Available in English
  • Mac OS X 10.6.7 Quartz PDFContext

Linking Mine Action and Development | Official Development Cooperation Agencies

 Mine action programmes often are not linked early and strongly enough with key development actors. Despite the availability of extensive research documenting the need for greater coordination between mine action and development...

Linking Mine Action and Development | Official Development Cooperation Agencies
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Linking Mine Action and Development | National Mine Action Centres

 Mine action programmes often are not linked early and strongly enough with key development actors. Despite the availability of extensive research documenting the need for greater coordination between mine action and development...

Linking Mine Action and Development | National Mine Action Centres
  • Available in

2008 Annual Report

 Annual narrative report on the work of the GICHD in 2008.   

2008 Annual Report
  • Available in