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The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) is generally perceived to be relevant and effective within the mine action sector, although there are some vocal, and potentially significant groups that take a more negative view.

In interviews with attendees at the 13th International Meeting of National Mine Action Programme Directors and UN Advisors, 65% of respondents were positive about the Centre's relevance and 63% about its effectiveness.

The Centre's publications were generally very well received. The Francophone programme enjoyed an entirely enthusiastic and positive response from all who deal with it. Eighty per cent of respondents said that they thought the Centre meets the needs of its key audiences. Forty four per cent of interviewees were positive about the Centre's communication and 55% about its cooperation. In a general questionnaire distributed to participants, 79% of respondents were positive about the Centre's cooperation and coordination performance.

The widely held view is that the Centre has been through difficult times, is now doing better, but is not yet achieving its full potential.

The International Meeting of National Mine Action Programme Directors and UN Advisors 65% of respondents were positive about the Centre's relevance and 63% about its effectiveness.

Category: Priority Setting