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Post-conflict peacebuilding is now characterised by an established range of targeted security programmes: Security sector reform (SSR), disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR), small arms and light weapons (SALW) control, and mine action. The question of how to better align these four programmes motivated DCAF’s Policy and Research Division to produce three research publications addressing the intersections between DDR, SALW, mine action and SSR. The three SSR Papers highlight that SSR, DDR, SALW programmes and mine action are anchored in the same conceptual and normative commitment to human security; yet they also affirm that differences in scope, timelines and perspectives have made alignment of these four programmes challenging. In order to address these issues, DCAF and GICHD brought together a panel of experts from these four practitioner fields to examine the practical implications of linking these important programmes.

Category: Security and Development