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2177 results:

Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence in the Mine Action Sector | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1

Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence in the Mine Action Sector | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1

Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence in the Mine Action Sector | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1 Remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are…

Mental Health: Taking a Proactive Approach to Support Staff in Mine Action | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1

Mental Health: Taking a Proactive Approach to Support Staff in Mine Action | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1

Mental Health: Taking a Proactive Approach to Support Staff in Mine Action | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1 This article aims to contribute to existing conversations on…

Past, Present, Future: Mine Action in Motion | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1

Past, Present, Future: Mine Action in Motion | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1

Past, Present, Future: Mine Action in Motion | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1 The story of mine action is one of an adaptive and solution-oriented sector. Time and…

Recognizing and Reducing Risks From Ammunition and Explosives | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1

Recognizing and Reducing Risks From Ammunition and Explosives | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1

Recognizing and Reducing Risks From Ammunition and Explosives | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1 This article discusses ammunition and explosives management from global to…

Highlights of the second part of the 2nd Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (2RC CM) │20 - 21 September 2021

Highlights of the second part of the 2nd Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (2RC CM) │20 - 21 September 2021 On 21 September 2021, the second part of the 2nd Review Conference…

Register Now | The GICHD is delighted to announce that applications can now be submitted for the Global Gender Equality and Inclusion Capacity Development Programme.

Register Now | The GICHD is delighted to announce that applications can now be submitted for the Global Gender Equality and Inclusion Capacity Development Programme.

Register Now | The GICHD is delighted to announce that applications can now be submitted for the Global Gender Equality and Inclusion Capacity Development Programme.

Now available | ‘’The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan’’ case study in Arabic

Now available | ‘’The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan’’ case study in Arabic

Now available | ‘’The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan’’ case study in Arabic

The second part of the 2nd Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (2RC) │20-21 September 2021

The second part of the 2nd Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (2RC) │20-21 September 2021 The second part of the 2RC will take place on 20-21 September 2021 in a…

Technical Survey Course in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Technical Survey Course in Bosnia and Herzegovina From 06-10 September 2021, The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) conducted a Regional Technical Survey Course at…

Global Non-Technical Survey Course in Switzerland

Global Non-Technical Survey Course in Switzerland From 16-27 August 2021, The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) conducted a Global Non-Technical Survey Course at the…