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2202 results:

CMVIS External Evaluation Report

CMVIS External Evaluation Report

Coherence and Coordination in United Nations Peacebuilding and Integrated Missions – A Norwegian Perspective

Coherence and Coordination in United Nations Peacebuilding and Integrated Missions – A Norwegian Perspective

Collaborative ORDnance Data Repository (CORD)

Collaborative ORDnance Data Repository (CORD)

Collaborative ORDnance Data Repository (CORD) Until recently, the mine action and broader humanitarian disarmament community have relied on ORDATA for ordnance information. However, the Geneva…

Colombia | The GICHD conduct a training course on “Linking Mine Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”

Colombia | The GICHD conduct a training course on “Linking Mine Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” On 30 April 2021, The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining…

Colombia: Mine Action and Armed Conflict

Colombia: Mine Action and Armed Conflict

Colombia: Mine Action and Armed Conflict

Coming Soon...GICHD Short Film | Hearts and Minds Trailer

Coming Soon...GICHD Short Film | Hearts and Minds Trailer

Commentary on The economics of landmine clearance: case study of Cambodia

Commentary on The economics of landmine clearance: case study of Cambodia

Commercial Systems for the Direct Detection of Explosives (for Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tasks)

Commercial Systems for the Direct Detection of Explosives (for Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tasks) There are a number of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) tasks in which it is necessary to…

Communication in Mine Awareness Programmes (The Study)

Communication in Mine Awareness Programmes (The Study)

Community Mine Action Liaison, IMAS Mine Risk Education Best Practice Guidebook 6

Community Mine Action Liaison, IMAS Mine Risk Education Best Practice Guidebook 6

Community Mine Action Liaison, IMAS Mine Risk Education Best Practice Guidebook 6