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2180 results:

IARP International Workshop on Robotics and Mechanical Assistance in Humanitarian Demining (HUDEM2005 Proceedings)

IARP International Workshop on Robotics and Mechanical Assistance in Humanitarian Demining (HUDEM2005 Proceedings)

Identifying the Priorities: A rapid Rural Appraisal of the Kukes Region Mine Affected Communities

Identifying the Priorities: A rapid Rural Appraisal of the Kukes Region Mine Affected Communities

Identifying Synergies between Mine Action and Small Arms and Light Weapons

Identifying Synergies between Mine Action and Small Arms and Light Weapons

Identifying Synergies between Mine Action and Small Arms and Light Weapons  The GICHD was requested by the United States Department of State to conduct a study on Identifying Synergies between Mine…

IMAD2023 Campaign

School, food, transport – Landmines take away lives and so much more Conflicts end, but the landmines and other explosive ordnance they leave behind can be devastating and leave lasting damage. The…

Image Denoising Using Wavelets and Spatial Context Modeling

Image Denoising Using Wavelets and Spatial Context Modeling

IMAS workshop now taking place in Beirut, Lebanon

IMAS workshop now taking place in Beirut, Lebanon The regional workshop Mine Action and the Application of the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) is currently taking place in Beirut, Lebanon.…

IMAS Workshop now taking place in Buenos Aires, Argentina

IMAS Workshop now taking place in Buenos Aires, Argentina A workshop on the application of International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) is currently taking place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This…