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2178 results:

Impact Monitoring Manual

Impact Monitoring Manual

Implementation Completion Report on a Loan in the Amount of DEM 74 Million to the Republic of Croatia for a Reconstruction Project (Linking Mine Actio

Implementation Completion Report on a Loan in the Amount of DEM 74 Million to the Republic of Croatia for a Reconstruction Project (Linking Mine Actio

Implementing Land Mine Awareness Programs - Constraints and Strategies

Implementing Land Mine Awareness Programs - Constraints and Strategies

Implementing Land Mine Awareness Programs - Constraints and Strategies

Implementing the Ottawa Convention in Southeast Europe

Implementing the Ottawa Convention in Southeast Europe

Implementing the Ottawa Convention in Southeast Europe As the 10-year deadline for fulfilling Article 5 of the Ottawa Convention1 is rapidly approaching for the first states that ratified the…

Improvements Based on Ground Penetrating Radar Field Evaluation in Angola

Improvements Based on Ground Penetrating Radar Field Evaluation in Angola

Improving mine detection dogs : an overview of the GICHD dog program

Improving mine detection dogs : an overview of the GICHD dog program

Improving Protection, Reducing Civilian Vulnerabilities

Improving Protection, Reducing Civilian Vulnerabilities

Improving Protection, Reducing Civilian Vulnerabilities Explosive remnants of war (ERW), mines, small arms and light weapons (SALW) and their ammunition often threaten civilians in conflict and…

Improvised Explosive Device Clearance Good Practice Guide

IEDs cause more civilian casualties globally than commercially manufactured landmines and account for nearly half of all casualties from explosive incidents. Enduring post-conflict IED…

Improvised Explosive Device Clearance Good Practice Guide – Full guide

Improvised Explosive Device Clearance Good Practice Guide – Full guide

Improvised Explosive Device Clearance Good Practice Guide – Full guide

Improvised Explosive Devices and the International Mine Action Standards

Improvised Explosive Devices and the International Mine Action Standards

Improvised Explosive Devices and the International Mine Action Standards  This article briefly explores how improvised explosive devices (IED) are not new in mine action; they have contributed to…