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2180 results:

Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Definitions

Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Definitions

The market for advanced humanitarian mine detectors

The market for advanced humanitarian mine detectors

Key Sheets. 7: Sector Wide Approaches

Key Sheets. 7: Sector Wide Approaches

What the dog's nose knows

What the dog's nose knows

What the dog's nose knows Removing mines is necessarily a hazardous occupation.Unfortunately, mines are secretive by nature and design. A mine that cost US$5 to buy, 10 seconds to arm and 2 minutes…

Study report: Producing better Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Projects

Study report: Producing better Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Projects

Humanitarian Demining bis-bon.3.doc

Humanitarian Demining bis-bon.3.doc

On the Cutting Edge of Landmine Technology

On the Cutting Edge of Landmine Technology

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | August 2001

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | August 2001

Commentary on The economics of landmine clearance: case study of Cambodia

Commentary on The economics of landmine clearance: case study of Cambodia

International Pilot Project for Technology Co-operation Final Report

International Pilot Project for Technology Co-operation Final Report