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2180 results:

Equipment Catalogue available on Apple Store, Google Play and

Equipment Catalogue available on Apple Store, Google Play and

ERW : States Conclude a Protocol

ERW : States Conclude a Protocol

ERW : States Conclude a Protocol In November 2003, the States Parties to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) met in Geneva and agreed to the creation of a Fifth Protocol on Explosive…

ERW Contamination in the Pacific Islands

ERW Contamination in the Pacific Islands

ERW Contamination in the Pacific Islands The legacy of explosive remnants of war (ERW) has affected the daily lives of Pacific Islanders for more than 70 years. ERW contamination in the Pacific stems…

Esri and the GICHD Collaborate on Explosives Mapping Technology

Esri and the GICHD Collaborate on Explosives Mapping Technology

Esri and the GICHD Collaborate on Explosives Mapping Technology Humanitarian organizations tasked with removing landmines and other explosive ordnance are increasingly relying on digital technology.…

Estrategia de Combate a Pobreza, Reinsercao Social, Rehabilitacao e Reconstrucao, e Estabilizacao Economica - Angola

Estrategia de Combate a Pobreza, Reinsercao Social, Rehabilitacao e Reconstrucao, e Estabilizacao Economica - Angola

État d'avancement de la gestion sûre et sécurisée des munitions

État d'avancement de la gestion sûre et sécurisée des munitions

État d'avancement de la gestion sûre et sécurisée des munitions La reconnaissance de la double menace d'une mauvaise gestion des munitions conventionnelles en termes de prolifération incontrôlée et…

Etude de la faisabilité de la neutralisation de mines antichar enterrées à l'aide de micro-ondes de forte puissance

Etude de la faisabilité de la neutralisation de mines antichar enterrées à l'aide de micro-ondes de forte puissance