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Multi-year Impact Reports

The past 8 years spanned two strategic periods for the GICHD and the publishing of our 2023-2026 strategy marks an opportunity to take stock of progress made and lessons learnt from our work in…

Explosive Ordnance

Types of explosive ordnance Long after conflicts have ended, explosive ordnance continue to kill, injure and impact the daily life of affected communities. Despite significant efforts over the past…

Publications & Resources

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Operations Management

Operations Management

Contaminated countries need a wide range of support to meet the challenges posed by explosive ordnance (EO), from capacity sharing across a range of topics, through to developing tailored solutions…

International Humanitarian Law

International Humanitarian Law

The GICHD supports the timely and effective implementation of the international treaties that guide policy and practice in mine action. It does so by bringing evidence, experiences, and good…

GICHD Safeguarding Accountability Framework

Policy Statement  The GICHD recognises that everyone the organisation encounters, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, ethnic origin or any other…

Detection and Clearance

Clearance of landmines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) is a challenging, time-consuming and expensive activity utilizing manual deminers and the support of Animal Detection Systems (ADS),…


Land Release uses an evidence-based approach to more accurately differentiate between those areas that require clearance and those areas that do not.   The process of gathering evidence…

Contact Us

Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Maison de la paix, Tower 3 Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2C P.O. Box 1300, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland Phone |  +41 22 730 93 60 Fax …

EORE Advisory Group

The Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Advisory Group (EORE AG) was launched in 2019. It provides overall guidance to the sector and identifies ways to improve the integration, effectiveness,…