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2199 results:

Chemin Critique Pour La Mise En Oeuvre Des IATG: Le Guide

Chemin Critique Pour La Mise En Oeuvre Des IATG: Le Guide

Chemin Critique Pour La Mise En Oeuvre Des IATG: Le Guide

CIDA Central & Eastern Europe Branch: Canadian Mine Action Programme in the Balkans, 1998-2003

CIDA Central & Eastern Europe Branch: Canadian Mine Action Programme in the Balkans, 1998-2003

Circle of Impact : the Fatal Foot Print of Cluster Munitions on People and Communities

Circle of Impact : the Fatal Foot Print of Cluster Munitions on People and Communities

Civilian Victims in an Asymmetrical Conflict: Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan

Civilian Victims in an Asymmetrical Conflict: Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan

Clearance Impact Assessment (Sri Lanka)

Clearance Impact Assessment (Sri Lanka)

Clearance of M16 anti-personnel mines in Chile

Clearance of M16 anti-personnel mines in Chile

Clearance of M16 anti-personnel mines in Chile This report responds to a request for advice on safe and efficient procedures for clearance of M16 bounding fragmentation type anti-personnel mines in…

Clearing Areas Right; Clearing the Right Areas

Clearing Areas Right; Clearing the Right Areas

Clearing landmines from Ukraine may take decades; Work to find, map, and remove them has already begun.

Clearing landmines from Ukraine may take decades; Work to find, map, and remove them has already begun.

Clearing landmines from Ukraine may take decades; Work to find, map, and remove them has already begun. 13 May 2022 – Geneva. The on-going armed conflict in Ukraine has sparked widespread…

Clearing the fields: solutions to the global land mines crisis

Clearing the fields: solutions to the global land mines crisis

Clutter Reduction in Manual-demining Operations with the Help of a Handheld Magnet Tool

Clutter Reduction in Manual-demining Operations with the Help of a Handheld Magnet Tool