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2177 results:

14th Meeting of States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Landmine Convention Opens in Geneva

14th Meeting of States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Landmine Convention Opens in Geneva On Monday, 30 November, the first formal meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the…

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 5: Competency for EOD level 3

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 5: Competency for EOD level 3

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 2: Competency matrix

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 2: Competency matrix

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 1: General requirements

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 1: General requirements

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 4: Competency for EOD level 2

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 4: Competency for EOD level 2

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 3: Competency for EOD level 1

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 3: Competency for EOD level 1

15832-2008 CEN Workshop Agreement Humanitarian Mine Action - Follow- on processes after the use of demining machines

15832-2008 CEN Workshop Agreement Humanitarian Mine Action - Follow- on processes after the use of demining machines

15833-2008 CEN Workshop Agreement Humanitarian Mine Action - Quality magement - Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) for mechanical demining

15833-2008 CEN Workshop Agreement Humanitarian Mine Action - Quality magement - Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) for mechanical demining

19th International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and United Nations Advisers Opens in Geneva

19th International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and United Nations Advisers Opens in Geneva This annual meeting for Mine Action National Programme Directors and United Nations…

19th International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and United Nations Advisors

19th International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and United Nations Advisors