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2177 results:

Types of landmine

What is a mine? A mine is a munition designed to be placed under, on or near the ground or other surface area and to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a person or vehicule and…

Types of cluster munitions

What are cluster munitions? A cluster munition is a conventional munition that is designed to release multiple explosive submunitions (in some cases called ‘bomblets’) over a large area. The general…

Twenty Years of Supporting Mine Action | GICHD Anniversary Book

Twenty Years of Supporting Mine Action | GICHD Anniversary Book

Troisième séminaire des acteurs africains francophones de l'action contre les mines et REG

Troisième séminaire des acteurs africains francophones de l'action contre les mines et REG

Troisième séminaire des acteurs africains francophones de l'action contre les mines et REG

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Sudan

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Sudan

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Sudan

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Nepal

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Nepal

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Nepal

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Mozambique

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Mozambique

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Mozambique

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Lebanon

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Lebanon

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Lebanon

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Ethiopia

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Ethiopia

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Ethiopia

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Cambodia

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Cambodia

Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership | Cambodia