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2177 results:

423 casualties of anti-vehicle mines incidents reported in 2016 | New report by GICHD and SIPRI

423 casualties of anti-vehicle mines incidents reported in 2016 | New report by GICHD and SIPRI In 2016, there were 181 incidents related, or suspected to be related, to anti-vehicle mines (AVMs) in…

487 casualties of anti-vehicle mines incidents reported in 2017 | New report by GICHD and SIPRI

487 casualties of anti-vehicle mines incidents reported in 2017 | New report by GICHD and SIPRI In partnership with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), we have released a…

4th April | International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action | The GICHD and the GMAP work together to empower women in mine action

4th April | International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action | The GICHD and the GMAP work together to empower women in mine action 4th April is the International Day for Mine…

569 casualties of anti-vehicle mines incidents reported in 2018 | New report by GICHD and SIPRI

569 casualties of anti-vehicle mines incidents reported in 2018 | New report by GICHD and SIPRI

5D: A GIS-based Approach for Determining and Displaying the Degree of Operational Difficulty of Demining

5D: A GIS-based Approach for Determining and Displaying the Degree of Operational Difficulty of Demining

5D: A GIS-based Approach for Determining and Displaying the Degree of Operational Difficulty of Demining Clearance operations highly depend on environmental, geographic and socioeconomic conditions.…

6th Annual Results-Based Management Workshop for Peacebuilding, Security and Development Begins

6th Annual Results-Based Management Workshop for Peacebuilding, Security and Development Begins The GICHD was pleased to welcome today 25 participants to the 6th course on Results based management…

6th Mine Action Technology workshop successfully concluded

6th Mine Action Technology workshop successfully concluded The 6th Mine Action Technology Workshop was recently held in Lyon, France from 15 - 17 November. The workshop brought together humanitarian…

96th Partnership for Peace Course on International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Conformance

96th Partnership for Peace Course on International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Conformance

A Beginner's Guide to Security Sector Reform

A Beginner's Guide to Security Sector Reform

A controlled outdoor test site for evaluation of soil effects on land mine detection sensors

A controlled outdoor test site for evaluation of soil effects on land mine detection sensors