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2177 results:

Agenda 2030 – Sustainable Development Goals

Agenda 2030 – Sustainable Development Goals

The Agenda 2030 aim to end poverty and hunger, achieve the human rights of all, achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, and ensure the sustainable protection of the planet.

Aid and conflict in Uganda

Aid and conflict in Uganda

Aid Effectiveness in Insecure Areas

Aid Effectiveness in Insecure Areas

Aid Effectiveness in Insecure Areas The issue of aid effectiveness in conflict-affected and insecure areas is receiving increased attention within the development community. The Paris Declaration on…

Aid Effectiveness: Three Good Reasons Why the Paris Declaration Will Make a Difference.

Aid Effectiveness: Three Good Reasons Why the Paris Declaration Will Make a Difference.

Aid Instruments in Fragile States

Aid Instruments in Fragile States

AIMAD Land Titling Pilot Project - Research on Post Clearance Land Titling

AIMAD Land Titling Pilot Project - Research on Post Clearance Land Titling

Algeria declares itself free of anti personnel mines

Algeria declares itself free of anti personnel mines After decades of work clearing over 12,000 hectares of land and destroying more than one million landmines, Algeria declared itself free of…

Alternatives for Landmine Detection

Alternatives for Landmine Detection

AMAT Insights Issue 1 Reducing Risks Associated with Ammonium Nitrate

AMAT Insights Issue 1 Reducing Risks Associated with Ammonium Nitrate

AMAT Insights Issue 1 Reducing Risks Associated with Ammonium Nitrate Improperly manufactured, transported, handled and stored explosive materials, such as ammonium nitrate, are a safety risk to…

AMAT Insights Issue 1 Reducing Risks Associated with Ammonium Nitrate

AMAT Insights Issue 1 Reducing Risks Associated with Ammonium Nitrate