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2177 results:

Direct and Indirect Consequences of Landmines on Public Health

Direct and Indirect Consequences of Landmines on Public Health

Director of the Lebanon Mine Action Centre visits GICHD

Director of the Lebanon Mine Action Centre visits GICHD The GICHD was honoured to receive the Lebanon Mine Action Center’s (LMAC) Director, Brigadier General Ziad Nasr and Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed…

Disability Assistance in Afghanistan: Afghan perceptions on disability

Disability Assistance in Afghanistan: Afghan perceptions on disability

Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants – Knowledge Base Essay

Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants – Knowledge Base Essay

Discover our Virtual Exhibition on the 20 years of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention

Discover our Virtual Exhibition on the 20 years of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention

Discriminating Mine Detector

Discriminating Mine Detector

Do no harm in mine action | Why the environment matters

Do no harm in mine action | Why the environment matters

Do no harm in mine action | Why the environment matters Explosive remnants of war negatively impact the environment and some clearance methods used by mine action organizations can potentially lead…

Documentary highlights how Vietnam leads the way in managing its long term risk management

Documentary highlights how Vietnam leads the way in managing its long term risk management The first week of December has been busy for the Management of Residual Explosive Remnants of War (MORE)…

Doing no harm? Mine action and land issues in Cambodia

Doing no harm? Mine action and land issues in Cambodia

Doing no harm? Mine action and land issues in Cambodia This report includes recommendations that seek to build upon good practice and strengthen systems and processes to ensure mine action efforts…

Donor Resources For Gender Diversity Equality and Inclusion

There is an increase in interest to fund Mine Action activities and projects which mainstream gender and diversity as well as promote equality and inclusion. The resources featured here showcase…