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Gender & Diversity in Contracting and Grants Management

Gender & Diversity in Contracting and Grants Management

This toolkit has been developed to assist mine action stakeholders to mainstream gender and diversity in contracting and grants management documentation and practices.

Gender & Diversity in Mine Action Quality Management

Gender & Diversity in Mine Action Quality Management

Gender & Diversity in Mine Action Quality Management This guide has been developed to assist mine action stakeholders to mainstream gender and diversity in quality management, documentation and…

Gender & Diversity in Mine Action Quality Management

Gender & Diversity in Mine Action Quality Management

This guide has been developed to assist mine action stakeholders to mainstream gender and diversity in quality management, documentation and practices.

Gender & Mine Action – How Gender Sensitive Budgeting Makes a Difference

Gender & Mine Action – How Gender Sensitive Budgeting Makes a Difference

Gender and Access to Land

Gender and Access to Land

Gender and Disability Equality in Mine Action Program Management

Gender and Disability Equality in Mine Action Program Management

Gender and Disability Equality in Mine Action Program Management Women and persons with disabilities endure multiple challenges in mine action work. Thongvone Sosamphan and Mikael Bold provide…

Gender and Diversity Annual Report 2016

Gender and Diversity Annual Report 2016

Gender and Diversity Annual Report 2016 In its 2015-2018 Strategy, the GICHD has reaffirmed its commitment to gender & diversity, and 2016 has cer-tainly been a year of accomplishments. In…

Gender and Diversity Annual Report 2019

Gender and Diversity Annual Report 2019

Gender and Diversity Annual Report 2019 The Gender & Diversity Annual Report highlights the efforts made towards more gender and diversity inclusive practices at the GICHD. In  2018,  the  GICHD …

Gender and Diversity in Mine Action Contracting and Grants Management

This toolkit has been developed to assist mine action stakeholders to mainstream gender and diversity in contracting and grants management documentation and practices.

Gender and Diversity in the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM)

Gender and Diversity in the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM)

Gender and Diversity in the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) Cluster munition remnants continue to harm people and communities around the world. Though they are indiscriminate weapons, their…