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2374 results:

Gender Guidelines for Mine Action Programmes

Gender Guidelines for Mine Action Programmes

ANGOLA: On trial - a faster more reliable way to clear mined roads

ANGOLA: On trial - a faster more reliable way to clear mined roads

Linking Mine Action and Development | Guidelines for Mine/ERW Operators

Linking Mine Action and Development | Guidelines for Mine/ERW Operators

Linking Mine Action and Development | Guidelines for Mine/ERW Operators  Mine action programmes often are not linked early and strongly enough with key development actors. Despite the availability of…

National Survey of UXO Victims and Accidents - PHASE 1

National Survey of UXO Victims and Accidents - PHASE 1

Evaluation of the Netherlands Financial Assistance for humanitarian demining activities in 1996-2006: Bosnia and Herzegovina (annex)

Evaluation of the Netherlands Financial Assistance for humanitarian demining activities in 1996-2006: Bosnia and Herzegovina (annex)

Evaluation of Netherlands' financial assistance for humanitarian demining activities in 1996-2006. Republic of Angola. Terms of References

Evaluation of Netherlands' financial assistance for humanitarian demining activities in 1996-2006. Republic of Angola. Terms of References

Linking Mine Action and Development | Guidelines for Policy and Programme Development

Linking Mine Action and Development | Guidelines for Policy and Programme Development

Linking Mine Action and Development | Guidelines for Policy and Programme Development Mine action programmes often are not linked early and strongly enough with key development actors. Despite the…

Evaluation of EC-funded mine actions 2002-2007

Evaluation of EC-funded mine actions 2002-2007

Evaluation of EC-funded mine actions 2002-2007 The overall objective of the evaluation exercise is to provide systematic and objective assessments of EC-funded mine actions and to generate credible…

Mid Term Evaluation of the Mine Action Programme in Afghanistan

Mid Term Evaluation of the Mine Action Programme in Afghanistan

Evaluation of the Humanitarian Mine Action Activities of Norwegian People's Aid

Evaluation of the Humanitarian Mine Action Activities of Norwegian People's Aid