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2374 results:

Iraq Mine Action Strategy (2010-2012)

Iraq Mine Action Strategy (2010-2012)

Evaluation of the United Nations Mine Action Programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Evaluation of the United Nations Mine Action Programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Jordan's National Mine Action Plan (2010-2015)

Jordan's National Mine Action Plan (2010-2015)

Mission d'évaluation du programme de lutte antimines de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo

Mission d'évaluation du programme de lutte antimines de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo

Land and Conflict, guidance note for practitioners

Land and Conflict, guidance note for practitioners

The Struggle over Land in Africa, Conflicts, Politics & Change

The Struggle over Land in Africa, Conflicts, Politics & Change

Land Tenure and Properties Rights in Afghanistan

Land Tenure and Properties Rights in Afghanistan

Land and Natural Disasters, Guidance for Practitioners

Land and Natural Disasters, Guidance for Practitioners

Aid Effectiveness in Insecure Areas

Aid Effectiveness in Insecure Areas

Aid Effectiveness in Insecure Areas The issue of aid effectiveness in conflict-affected and insecure areas is receiving increased attention within the development community. The Paris Declaration on…

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD Over the past few months, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining has helped coordinate a conference on cluster munitions and taken part in a…