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2374 results:

Linking Mine Action and Development | Humanitarian and Development NGOs

Linking Mine Action and Development | Humanitarian and Development NGOs

Linking Mine Action and Development | Humanitarian and Development NGOs

A Guide to Marking and Fencing in Mine Action Programmes

A Guide to Marking and Fencing in Mine Action Programmes

A Guide to Marking and Fencing in Mine Action Programmes  Based on research conducted in ten mine-affected states and territories, this Guide describes the extent to which marking and fencing are…

Mine and ERW Risk Education - A Project Management Guide

Mine and ERW Risk Education - A Project Management Guide

Mine and ERW Risk Education - A Project Management Guide The Mine and ERW Risk Education: A Project Management Guide is intended to give managers an easy-to-use tool to support their efforts –…

A Guide to Ammunition Storage

A Guide to Ammunition Storage

A Guide to Ammunition Storage  This publication identifies and promotes good practice in the safe storage of ammunition, and contributes to international efforts to address this important issue. It…

Plano nacional de acção contra minas 2008-2014 - Mozambique

Plano nacional de acção contra minas 2008-2014 - Mozambique

Séminaire des acteurs africains francophones

Séminaire des acteurs africains francophones

Séminaire des acteurs africains francophones The first African Francophone seminar on mine action and explosive remnants of war (ERW) took place from 20 to 22 October 2008 in Cotonou – Republic of…

Le Programme national de déminage au Tchad - Stratégie, réalisations et plan d'action (2008)

Le Programme national de déminage au Tchad - Stratégie, réalisations et plan d'action (2008)

Victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention : Checklist

Victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention : Checklist

Victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention : Checklist This checklist was developed as a tool that could be used by these States Parties in developing a comprehensive victim…

A Guide to understanding victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention

A Guide to understanding victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention

A Guide to understanding victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention The purpose of this guide is twofold: to make the strategic approach on victim assistance adopted by the States…

Evaluation of Mine Risk Education in the kingdom of Cambodia

Evaluation of Mine Risk Education in the kingdom of Cambodia