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2351 results:

Integration of Different Data Bodies for Humanitarian Decision Support: An Example from Mine Action

Integration of Different Data Bodies for Humanitarian Decision Support: An Example from Mine Action

A Risk Strategy for Mine Action

A Risk Strategy for Mine Action

Landmine Victim Assistance in South-East Europe: Final Study Report

Landmine Victim Assistance in South-East Europe: Final Study Report

Landmine Impact Survey: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Landmine Impact Survey: Bosnia and Herzegovina

The GICHD Mechanical Application in Mine Clearance Study

The GICHD Mechanical Application in Mine Clearance Study

Journal of Mine Action - Issue dedicated to Victim and Survivor Assistance

Journal of Mine Action - Issue dedicated to Victim and Survivor Assistance

Improving mine detection dogs : an overview of the GICHD dog program

Improving mine detection dogs : an overview of the GICHD dog program

Vapour sensing using dogs in Bosnia: a test of detection capacity

Vapour sensing using dogs in Bosnia: a test of detection capacity

Microsoft Word - report-central-eastern-europe-v-2-2.rtf

Microsoft Word - report-central-eastern-europe-v-2-2.rtf

Microsoft Word - NDRFSummerConference2003FV.doc

Microsoft Word - NDRFSummerConference2003FV.doc