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2351 results:

Microsoft Word - Interview-GERBERA-final2.doc

Microsoft Word - Interview-GERBERA-final2.doc

Opportunities for Regional Cooperation in Mine Action in Southeastern Europe

Opportunities for Regional Cooperation in Mine Action in Southeastern Europe

Opportunities for Regional Cooperation in Mine Action in Southeastern Europe The goal of addressing landmine problems in southeastern Europe (SE Europe)with a regional approach entails the…

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | August 2003

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | August 2003

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | August 2003 The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) provides operational assistance to mine action programmes and operators, conducts…

Explosive Remnants of War: The Negotiations Continue

Explosive Remnants of War: The Negotiations Continue

Explosive Remnants of War: The Negotiations Continue

Guía para elaborar una legislación sobre actividades relativas a las minas

Guía para elaborar una legislación sobre actividades relativas a las minas

Guía para elaborar una legislación sobre actividades relativas a las minas  This document is intended to assist governments, mine action professionals and others to develop national legislation to…

They Started With a Temple: JAHDS in Thailand

They Started With a Temple: JAHDS in Thailand

Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Problem: Priority Setting

Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Problem: Priority Setting

Evaluation Report CMAC Demining Unit 6 in Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia

Evaluation Report CMAC Demining Unit 6 in Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia

Developing Mine Action Legislation - A Guide | old edition (in Turkish) MAYIN ÇALI?MALARI YASASININ HAZIRLANMASI B?R REHBER

Developing Mine Action Legislation - A Guide | old edition (in Turkish) MAYIN ÇALI?MALARI YASASININ HAZIRLANMASI B?R REHBER

Microsoft Word - interview-MIT-final.rtf

Microsoft Word - interview-MIT-final.rtf