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2374 results:

Guidelines for the Socio-economic Reintegration of Landmine Survivors.

Guidelines for the Socio-economic Reintegration of Landmine Survivors.

Risky business or constructive assistance? Community engagement in humanitarian mine action

Risky business or constructive assistance? Community engagement in humanitarian mine action

Challenges of Security Sector Governance

Challenges of Security Sector Governance

GIS in Participatory Research: Assessing the Impact of Landmines on Communities in North-West Cambodia

GIS in Participatory Research: Assessing the Impact of Landmines on Communities in North-West Cambodia

Mine Action in Angola: Co-ordination and Management of the Mine Action Sector

Mine Action in Angola: Co-ordination and Management of the Mine Action Sector

Bringing the minefield to the detector: updating the REST concept

Bringing the minefield to the detector: updating the REST concept

Metal Detectors Catalogue 2003

Metal Detectors Catalogue 2003

Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2003

Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2003

An Investigation into the Drevers' potential as a breed of mine detection dog.

An Investigation into the Drevers' potential as a breed of mine detection dog.

REST in Bosnia: A Pilot Test of Detection Capability

REST in Bosnia: A Pilot Test of Detection Capability